What is YOUR Neighborhood Council Saying?

VNNC - Van Nuys

VNNC (CD2 / CD6 split) has expressed concern over the furtive expansion of VNY airport in respect to its toxic output, air traffic impact and lack of public transparency. At its June 28, 2023 PLUM meeting, VNNC voted to support CF22-1489.

NHENC - NorthHills East

NHENC (CD6 / CD7 split) had not submitted any CIS (community impact statements) prior to June 2023.  At their June 12 2023 regular meeting, NHENC voted to issue a letter to City Leaders that included a CIS on Motion 22-1489.

NHWNC - NorthHills West

NHWNC (CD12) has submitted a number of CIS (community impact statements) over recent years.  At their June 15, 2023 regular meeting, NHWNC voted to issue a letter to City Leaders as well and update their CIS on CF22-1489.

WHWCNC - Woodland Hills

WHWCNC (CD3)  submitted a CIS (community impact statement) on CF22-1489 at its Dec 12, 2022 regular meeting. Continued defiance from LAWA prompted them to approve a strong letter to their CM on April 19, 2023.


Studio City (CD4) posted a CIS for CF22-1125 that begins: Historically Van Nuys Airport (VNY) was primarily utilized for general aviation enthusiasts and generally welcomed within, with limited community opposition due to negligible impact on surrounding neighborhoods. Today, VNY is unrecognizable relative to its original footprint – it has morphed over the last 5 – 10 years to such an extent that its adverse impacts on the community are now felt by thousands of residents up to 10 miles away.


You can encourage SCNC to join other SFV NCs in inviting our SoCalSFV Aviation Conusltant to give a Q&A on recent nefarious activity harming the common good including but not limited to: ● a rogue staff member in a council office submitting an unauthorized amendment to motion 22-1125; as well as ● LAWA's defiant and wholly inadequate "Vision Study" that is proving to put the city on course for disaster. Email:  jhartwick@studiocitync.org  

Official website: Studio City Neighborhood Council




Greater Toluca Lake (CD2) is experiencing an influx of unprecedented air traffic out of VNY due to the unsustainable jet charter volumes that have now encroached their airspace.  GTLNC recently issued two CIS to support Councilwoman Padilla's motions: 23-1338 and 23-1339, both of which were designed to investigate LAWA's management practices and hold them accountable for lack of transparency, community outreach and failing to implement policy to ensure development proposals included critically needed mitigation measures. 


You can read GTLNC's comments here:  https://www.socalsfv.com/GTLNC.html

CPNC - Canoga Park

(CD3) More to come...

We apologize but we are updating the site as quickly as possibly.  Regrettably this "web host is terrible and the process is complicated.  

WNC - Winnetka

(CD3) More to come...

We apologize but we are updating the site as quickly as possibly.  Regrettably this "web host is terrible and the process is complicated.

RNC - Reseda

(CD3) More to come...

We apologize but we are updating the site as quickly as possibly.  Regrettably this "web host is terrible and the process is complicated.

LBNC - Lake Balboa

It's ironic that LBNC (CD6) ended up being last on the page considering they are the most vulnerable community impacted by VNY. Toxic Fumes from APU ground emissions are infiltrating residents' homes day and night.  Residents have expressed that they are hoping the newly elected LBNC Board will resolve a long-standing problem of President Linda Gravani's demonstrated bias when it comes to VNY issues.

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